Transaction Status

Payment Status

pendingFunds have been received but not yet credited to your StraitsX account.
completedFunds have been received and credited to your StraitsX account.
refundedFunds have been refunded to the sender bank account.

For payment in pending state, the callback triggered will have an appropriate blocked code, which allows you to understand the issue and handle the transaction accordingly.

Blocked CodeDescriptionSuggested Handling
FG-001The transaction is held temporarily due to our internal risk control measures. Our internal risk control measures vary from time to time.Email the user to inform them that the transaction may face a delay.
NM-001The transaction is held temporarily due to a name mismatch of the user's full name and the name on the sender's bank account.
This is only applicable for first party transfer.
Email the user to provide supplementary information about their bank account.
CR-001The transaction is held temporarily due to our compliance measures.Check in with StraitsX to understand the root cause, and email the user to inform them that the transaction may face a delay.

Payout Status

pendingPayout request has been received.
failedPayout is unsuccessful - this may happen due to invalid bank account or other reason. If applicable, we will return the failure reason in the callback.
completedPayout is completed by StraitsX. Depending on the currency and the network of the transaction, it may take some time for the beneficiary bank to credit the beneficiary's bank account.