
18 Jul 24 - New Swap Pairs Added

We now support two more swap pairs on our Swap API! You can now access the following swap pairs:


12 Jul 24 - Account Statement Endpoint

We have released a new endpoint for you to get your account statement and ledger for easy reconciliation. This endpoint will return all ledger items as well as the opening and closing balance of the queried period.


2 Jul 24 - Updated GET List of Payments for a Customer Profile

Added a new endpoint: GET List of Payments for a Customer Profile v2


25 Jun 24 - New Sandbox Endpoints

Added the following sandbox endpoints:


14 Jun 24 - StraitsX API v1

We are excited to announce that we have officially moved to the latest API host (live since March 2024). If you are new to StraitsX API, please integrate using the latest host ( and This marks an important step for StraitsX in terms of the streamlining of our API offering. You can also look forward to v2 (scheduled for release in 2024H2), where we will revamp and align all endpoint requests and responses, as well as rolling out various updates including error handling and consolidation of endpoints.


13 Jun 24 - PayNow Send API

We have just rolled out another exciting new update: the ability to make SGD payouts via PayNow! You can now make SGD payouts to either mobile number, NRIC, UEN or VPA. This is an addition to the current ability of making SGD payouts via bank transfer.


21 May 24 - PayNow Accept API

We have just rolled out an exciting new update: the ability to receive SGD payments via PayNow! This is an addition to the current ability to receive SGD payments via bank transfer, which offers even more convenience to your end users through either persistent or dynamic PayNow. Learn more about PayNow in our Payment Guide.


8 May 24 - Minor updates to callback

  • POST /blockchain_transfer/withdrawals/ and the relevant callback now returns idempotency_id
  • Webhook attempts have been increased from 5 to 20

25 Apr 24 - Currency filter for GET list of payouts

GET api/v3/customer_profile/{customer_profile_id}/withdrawals now accepts currency as one of the query params


24 Apr 24 - Validations for Payout endpoint

  • description field for POST /customer_profile/{customer_profile_id}/withdrawals now only accepts:
    • Lowercase letters: a-z
    • Uppercase letters: A-Z
    • Numerals: 0-9
    • Special characters: / - ? : ( ) . , ' +
    • Space character