Create a first party bank transfer payout

[Available in Production/Sandbox environment] Send funds back to your user's verified bank account


When the status of the payout is updated, a callback will be sent to the URL you configured in your business dashboard. Learn more about how to configure your callback

Sample Callback Payload for Bank Transfer Payouts
ParameterDescriptionSample ValueRemarks
account_noRecipient's bank account number12345678
amountAmount transferred40.5
arrivalTime of confirmation12+Mar+2024+-++9%3A30+AM
bank_abbrevRecipient's bank abbreviationSCB
bank_account_holder_nameRecipient's nameJane+DoeOnly applicable for USD payout
beneficiary_addressRecipient's addressABC+Crescent%2C+Singapore%2C+Singapore%2C+SG%2C+123456Only applicable for USD payout
created_atDatetime of creation2024-03-12T01%3A30%3A48.420Z
currencyCurrency of transaction: xsgd/usdcxsgd
descriptionTransaction descriptionOnly applicable for USD payout
expressLegacy fieldFAST
failure_reasonReason for transaction failure
feesTransaction fee0.5
idTransaction idcontract_1205f142caa14d1f9e5deabfb64ec1df
idempotency_idUnique idempotency id provided when triggering the payoutTest_CR001_6
payout_invoice_idSame as idempotency_idTest_CR001_6
statusTransaction status: completed/pending/cancelledcompleted
swift_bicSWIFT of the recipient's bankDBSSSGSGXXXOnly applicable for USD payout
typeType of transactionWithdrawal+on+behalf
wallet_nameWallet nameDigital+Goods

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!