Create a blockchain withdrawal

[Available in Production environment] Send funds to your verified blockchain addresses with your StraitsX Business Account


When the status of the blockchain withdrawal is updated, a callback will be sent to the URL you configured in your business dashboard. Learn more about how to configure your callback

Sample Callback Payload for Blockchain Withdrawal
ParameterDescriptionSample Value
amountAmount transferred2.0
blockchainBlockchain (combination of token & network)XSGD_MATIC
created_atDatetime of creation2024-06-11T04%3A48%3A39.912Z
bank_abbrevRecipient's bank abbreviationSCB
idempotency_idUnique idempotency id provided when triggering the withdrawaltesting
networkNetwork of the blockchain withdrawalPolygon
network_feesNetwork fees incurred0.02
statusTransaction status: completed/pending/cancelledcompleted
tokenToken of the blockchain withdrawalxsgd
total_amountTotal amount of the transaction2.02
transaction_hashTransaction hash0x658043f80b1684cce02a0f4c0ed5449589eef495492bae5a849e47e80c46dd4d
transaction_sourceReceiving blockchain address0x4fd0f684dcf7c6c862114db8cebfe8bf6bb175c3
idContract ID of the transactioncontract_7afa75105cad43579f9589ebe30b6784
typeTransaction typestablecoin_withdraw_contract

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!