We have just rolled out another exciting new update: the ability to make SGD payouts via PayNow! You can now make SGD payouts to either mobile number, NRIC, UEN or VPA. This is an addition to the current ability of making SGD payouts via bank transfer.
Added the following endpoints:
POST /customer_profile/{customer_profile_id}/payouts
GET /customer_profile/{customer_profile_id}/payouts/{contract_id}
GET /customer_profile/{customer_profile_id}/payouts
PUT /sandbox/customer_profile/{customer_profile_id}/payouts/{contract_id}
We have just rolled out an exciting new update: the ability to receive SGD payments via PayNow! This is an addition to the current ability to receive SGD payments via bank transfer, which offers even more convenience to your end users through either persistent or dynamic PayNow. Learn more about PayNow in our Payment Guide.
Added the following endpoints:
POST /payment_methods/paynow
GET /payment_methods/paynow/{paynow_id}
POST /payments/paynow
GET /payments/paynow/{paynow_id}
POST /sandbox/paynow_simulations
GET /customer_profile/{customer_profile_id}/payment_methods
POST /webhook/{contractId}/resend & POST /webhook/resend - new endpoints that allows you to trigger resending of callback for a single contract or a list of contracts
POST /customer_profile/{customer_profile_id}/withdrawals now accepts external_reference - the reference you passed in will be reflected on recipient's statement
We have just rolled out an exciting new update: the ability to send and receive payments in USD! This enhancement is designed to provide more flexibility and convenience to your end-users. You can now make changes to your API requests to support USD rails on your platform.
Aside from this, we also rolled out the first phase of Blockchain API that supports blockchain transfer out to your whitelisted addresses. To help you understand what you can do with these new blockchain-related endpoints, we have also written a simple Blockchain API guide.
All of the following changes are now available under v0.1.0 of our API documentation.
Added the following endpoints: PATCH /kyc/customer_profiles/{customer_profile_id}
New PATCH endpoint that allows you to update customer profile details. Note that registrationType of an existing customer profile cannot be updated.
GET /kyc/customer_profiles
New GET endpoint that allows you to get a list of all customer profiles
GET /api/v3/customer_profile/{customer_profile_id}/payment_methods
New GET endpoint that allows you to get the list of virtual accounts created for a particular customer profile
PUT /sandbox/customer_profile/{customer_profile_id}/virtual_bank_accounts/{virtual_bank_account_id}
New PUT endpoint in Sandbox that allows you to update the status of the virtual account created (note: this is only applicable to USD VA)
GET /customer_profile/deposits
New GET endpoint that allows you to get a list of all customer profile deposits
GET /blockchain_transfer/blockchains
New GET endpoint that shows you a list of supported blockchains for the various tokens on StraitsX
GET /blockchain_transfer/addresses
New GET endpoint that returns a list of blockchain wallet addresses you have added via the StraitsX dashboard
POST /blockchain_transfer/withdrawals
New POST endpoint that allows you to make a blockchain transfer out of XSGD or USDC to your whitelisted address
GET /merchant/account-balance
New GET endpoint that supports getting balances of both XSGD and USDC
Updated version of Get account balance v1 - v1 will continue to be supported for now and deprecation notice will be provided in due course
Modifications to existing endpoints:
POST /kyc/customer_profiles
The following parameters are now optional:
Additional parameters are now accepted to enable customer profile for USD capability:
Other modifications:
registrationId no longer allows special characters - only alphanumeric characters are accepted
POST /payment_methods/virtual_bank_accounts
The following parameter is now optional:
Additional parameter now accepted:
currency- defaulted to SGD
Added status for USD VA's response
Added callback for USD virtual bank account's status update
GET /payment_methods/virtual_bank_accounts/{virtual_account_id}
Returns status, currency, and a more detailed instructions for USD VA
POST /customer_profile/{customer_profile_id}/withdrawals
Added optional parameter wallet_source that takes usdc as value for USD payout via SWIFT
Included swift_bic, bank_account_holder_name and beneficiary_address in the response for USD payout
Callback modified for USD payout
GET /customer_profile/{customer_profile_id}/withdrawals/{withdrawal_id} & GET /customer_profile/{customer_profile_id}/withdrawals
Included swift_bic, bank_account_holder_name and beneficiary_address in the response for USD payout
POST /sandbox/customer_profile/:unique_id/bank_transfer_simulations
Included currency to support bank transfer simulation for both SGD and USD
destination_bank_short_code is now no longer required
GET /customer_profile/{customer_profile_id}/deposits/{deposit_id} & GET /customer_profile/{customer_profile_id}/deposits
Included sender_bank, sender_bank_account_no, sender_bank_account_holder_name, and sender_bank_swift_bic in the response and callback
Allow new query params status and currency
POST /customer_profile/{customer_profile_id}/bank_accounts &GET /customer_profile/{customer_profile_id}/bank_accounts