4 Apr 24 - Swap API
April 3rd, 2024 by Lim Zi Xuan
Swap API is now live! You can now swap between our supported currencies easily via API - refer to our Swap API Guide to learn more!
All of the following changes are now available under v0.2.0 of our API documentation.
Added the following endpoints:
Swap API:
GET /swap/pairs
POST /swap/quotes
GET /swap/quotes/{quoteId}
POST /swap/quotes/{quoteId}
GET /swap/transactions/{contractId}
GET /swap/transactions
Blockchain API:
POST /blockchain_transfer/withdrawals/{blockchain}/estimate_network_fee
Modifications to existing endpoints:
a payment/list of payments and payment callback:
- Sender information are now available:
Other changes:
- Missing authorisation token error now returns 401 instead of 500